5 Laws of Karma ⁉️

Laws of Karma💫❗

What is karma?
Ans : (in Hinduism and Buddhism) the sum of a person's actions in this and previous states of existence, viewed as deciding their fate in future existences.

good or bad luck, viewed as resulting from one's actions.

1. The great law.
2. The law of creation.
3. The law of growth.
4. The law of humanity.
5. The law of Responsibility.

Let's see each of them ... With a different perspective ❗❗👀

1. The Great law : 

Whatever we put into the universe will come back to us .

As we all know, according to Newton's 3rd law - " every action has an equal and opposite reaction " ..
This law is kind similar to the great law.
Whatever action we will take towards our universe, it will return them all with the equal force towards us..
That's why, your guardians always tells you to do good deeds , because your good deeds of past makes your future better .
Whatever it is we want to attract in our lives we must be ready to freely give away or share with others as well.

2. The law of Creation : 

Life does not happen by itself , we need to make it happen .

Imagine that everything in your life is working for you.

Of course, “everything in life” entails the good, the bad, the sad, the disappointments and all situations in between. On top of this, what if you believed that all of these were placed in your path as a means to help you get where you are supposed to be?

We are the one who creates our own destiny...

3. The law of Growth : 

When we change ourselves, out lives follow suit and change too.

Wherever you go, there you are. It is we who must change and not the people, places or things around us if we want to grow spiritually.
All we are given is ourselves. That is the only thing we have control over.
When we change who and what we are within our hearts, our lives follow suit and change too.

4. Law of Humanity : 

One must accept somthing in order to change it .

One must accept something in order to change it. If all one sees is an enemy or a negative character trait, then they are not and cannot be focused on a higher level of existence.

5. Law of Responsibility : 

We must take Responsibility for what is in our lives .

If there is something wrong in one’s life, there is something wrong in them.
We mirror what surrounds us, and what surrounds us mirrors us; this is a Universal Truth. One must take responsibility for what is in one’s life.

Comment for part two ❗❣️

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My self tanmay , am currently studying earth sciences.

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