How to become an Astrophysicist ? 🤔🧑‍🔬🌌 full details in one ..

First of all let us know what is Astrophysics ????

Astrophysics is a science that employs the methods and principles of physics and chemistry in the study of astronomical objects and phenomena. 

How to become an Astrophysicist ?

If you are passionate about physics, space, and understanding the physical world, then a career in astrophysics may be just the thing for you. Start developing your skills in high school by taking advanced placement (AP) classes in math and science. Once you get into college, major in astrophysics, or major in physics with a minor in astronomy. To gain the necessary experience, apply for internship programs or research assistant positions over the summer. With a master’s or Ph.D. in astrophysics, you can find positions in academia, and at technology-based companies and financial firms.

Who’s An Astrophysicist?

Before we have a look at the way of becoming an astrophysicist, let us first understand who is an astrophysicist. This word is an amalgamation of two words: astro+physicist. So a person who uses the laws of physics to explain the properties of the celestial objects and other phenomena in this Universe is an astrophysicist. Physics and mathematics are tools for such a person.

So a person who studies the dynamics and properties stars, galaxies, nebulae, CMBR, dark matter, gravitational waves, etc. is an astrophysicist. A person studying the structure, formation, and the ultimate fate of the Universe on a larger scale is a cosmologist.

What Should You Study?

This is the most crucial thing that students must know and here is where most of them make a mistake. Physics and mathematics are the backbones of astrophysics. So in high school, make sure you choose them both, along with chemistry. Yes, chemistry is also important in astrophysics.

After high school, you must aim for a bachelor’s degree in physics. It is not advisable to choose astrophysics at the bachelor’s level. This is because the basic roots of studying astrophysics will develop when you study physics and mathematics in your bachelor’s degree. Solve as many problems as you can. In this 3-4 year degree, strengthen your concepts of physics. Also start reading astrophysics side by side, first as a hobby. You will then start realizing how important physics is. Without physics, there’s no astrophysics

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After you have completed your Bachelor’s in Physics, go for a Master’s in Physics. If you are sure that all your basic concepts of physics are strong, you may choose astrophysics in a Master’s degree but most of the professionals avoid it. They advise you to go for a Master’s in Physics. Here you will come across advanced subjects of physics that will be used in your future pursuit of astrophysics.

At this point, if you read astrophysics books on your own, the mathematics of the subject will start making sense to you. You will start understanding the physical phenomenon because that’s physics only, applied to outer space. So a Master’s in Physics or Astrophysics should be the next step.

Role of Internships And Workshops

In your Bachelor’s and Master’s, one of the most important things is internships and workshops. In your vacations, make sure to apply for 1-2 months of research programs in astrophysics. There are many institutes that offer such programs. For this, you should have good grades too. So don’t underestimate the importance of your grades. They may not be everything, but they are important too. You should participate in astronomy clubs as they give you exposure to the fields of theoretical and observational astronomy.

Internships actually help you explore different sub-fields of your subject. 

PhD in Astrophysics

Though a Ph.D. is not mandatory to do research in any field, it is the most important degree if you want to have a career in research. Almost all the professionals hold a Ph.D. in their respective fields. In Ph.D., one gets the exposure to research on a full scale. Here you work on problems related to your subject and learn the techniques and tools of research.

Choose a topic that excites you the most and start your research under your guide. The most important thing in a Ph.D. is patience. Have patience while doing research. Great discoveries don’t occur overnight.

Another thing most people fail to understand is that a Ph.D. is not a classroom degree. It’s a job where you get paid for what you do. If you go into academics in the future, then in Ph.D. you are actually doing what you have to do all your life – research. It’s indeed a great experience.

The Role Of Coding In Astrophysics

Days are gone when professional research was done with just a pen and paper in hand. Today, research in astrophysics has changed a lot. Almost all the research in theoretical astrophysics requires coding and simulation. Why? Suppose you want to study the interior of Sun. You can’t go into it and report back what you saw. This is where simulations come into the picture. Most of our knowledge of astrophysics is a result of simulations.

Also, make sure you have a stronghold over some of the coding languages. The most trending is Python. Other languages include C, C++, Java, and FORTRAN (a little outdated, though). Analytical software such as MATLAB and WOLFRAM MATHEMATICA also play an important role in research. Recently, I found a great paper that teaches the basics of python for astronomy. You can download the arxiv version from here. Python is very good for data analysis and hence, it finds many applications in astrophysics.

The software that will be widely used in your career depends a lot on the field that you choose to study in astrophysics. There are different software for different areas of research in astrophysics.

What Should You Study For Becoming an Astrophysicist?

Now comes yet another important question: What should you study? This is where aspiring Astrophysicists need to be careful. So what happens is, in high school, students come across science fiction movies. They show hypothetical physical concepts such as time travel, wormholes, etc.

Then there are many pop-science books that introduce astronomy on a very basic fundamental level. So the young ones think that this field is a very “glamorous” field: Studying cool subjects such a black holes, stars, galaxies, etc. In this enthusiasm, they choose to become an Astrophysicist. But the road to this is through physics and mathematics. Most students struggle when they come to face on with these two subjects.

So what should you do? The answer is simple: It is very good to watch science fiction movies and read popular books on Astronomy. One should, in fact, start from here as the curiosity and the zeal to pursue this field comes from these simple books, understandable by all.

But besides this, another important thing is to study physics. Make sure you build the potential to solve the problems in physics and understand them well. If you really struggle in this subject and there is no way through which you can improve, it is advised not to pursue astrophysics. So keep a balance of both: popular books on astronomy and the physics part.

The Most Important Subjects

In physics, there are a few subjects that are more important than others for astrophysics. These are the tools for an Astrophysicist. So the most important ones are statistical mechanics, spectroscopy, electrodynamics, optics, quantum mechanics, the theory of relativity, and nuclear and particle physics.

Without physics, there’s no astrophysics
Since from the very beginning of this series, we have emphasized the importance of the EM spectrum in astrophysics, the subject of spectroscopy is quite crucial. Also, for Stellar Astrophysics, the subjects of thermodynamics and statistical mechanics are important among others. Every sub-branch of astrophysics requires its own branch of physics. That is why physics is so significant to become an astrophysicist.

Top universities around the world offering Astrophysics and astronomy : 

For more information visit the source link given above ☝️

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Thanks for reading 💝

The information was taken from the internet only.


My self tanmay , am currently studying earth sciences.


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