Atmosphere Evolution
Earth is unique among the planets of the Solar System in having sustained conditions of temperature and pressure that permit stable liquid water at the surface for more than 4 Ga. The long-term stability of liquid water is fundamental to the origin propagation of life, and Earth is exceptional among the known planets in having a biosphere. Abundant free oxygen accumulated in the atmosphere as a metabolic waste product of oxygenic photosynthesis; the high free oxygen content contrasts markedly with the atmospheres of the neighbouring planets of the inner Solar System.
This globally oxidative condition was at first deleterious to microbial life, but led to the emergence of aerobic metabolisms, sexual reproduction, and multicellularity.
Further study of Atmosphere Evolution involves,
1. Origin of a Habitable World [ Solar System and Planetary Formation : Relevence to Atmosphere Evolution ]
2. Formation of the Earth : Primary Atmosphere
3. Formation of the Moon : Loss of the Primary Atmosphere
4. Abatement and Cooling
5. Origin of the Secondary Atmosphere
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